The Black Business Institute of Canada
We conduct in-depth research on the wants and needs of Black Business Owners to gather the facts, increase awareness, provide financial and entrepreneurial support and mentorship.
What we do
We Research The Needs of Black Entrepreneurs and Provide Support
Black entrepreneurs face unique and unprecedented challenges when it comes to growing and scaling their businesses. The Black Business Institute of Canada conducts research, works with and speaks to Black Business Owners to understand and report on exactly what these challenges they face and why. We document responses, collect data, present findings and devise solutions.
Black Business, Professionals and Entrepreneurs Awards
This is an annual award show conducts research and recognizes black businesses, professionals, owners and entrepreneurs. Winners receive financial rewards, mentorship, guidance and support.
Big Businesses Building Business Mentorship and Partnership Program
This is a program which pairs growing black businesses with already successful businesses to provide mentorship for a minimum of one year.
Black Business Reach Out, Research, Report, Respond and Rescue
Many times Black Business Owners feel like they work in silos, operating by themselves with no strong community collective support. We change that with the Reach Out, Research, Report, Respond and Rescue Program.
We Bring Awareness Through Awards and Acknowledgement
We bring awareness to the public and showcase great black businesses, the exceptional people who run them and the unique challenges they face through our annual award show - The Black Business, Professionals and Entrepreneurs Awards Show (BBPEA). We conduct research to find black business to nominate. We interview nominees to assess challenges and we promote them through marketing and social media. Awareness also comes through out reach for Winners to partner with the Big Businesses Building Black Businesses Corporate Mentorship Program.
WHY we do it
We Provide Financial Assistance to Black Owned Businesses
The Black Business Institute of Canada provides financial support to Black owned business through financial awards given to winners of our BBPEA Awards. We raise capital through corporate sponsorships and selling advertising space. Indirect funding comes in the way of mentorship advice and guidance winners and black business owners receive through the Businesses Building Black Businesses Corporate Mentorship Program.
We Provide Mentorship and Entrepreneurial Support
Capital alone won't help Black Businesses grow. That's why we provide mentorship partnerships along with the money our BBPEA winners receive. For us business support is equally important as financial assistance. Our BBBBB Program - Big Businesses Building Black Businesses Program ensures capital is invested wisely, with guidance, support, mentorship, accountability, encouragement, access to resources, networks, partnerships and support.
investing in what we believe in
A Word From Our Sponsors
Nakimbe b'aobab
It has always been my dream to uplift my people through financial and entrepreneurial empowerment. The BBIC allows me to do that in so many ways.
A lot of award shows require you to pay to attend. You usually don't get any money and never receive any support. The BBIC and BBPEA Awards are completely different. They really care.
Meet a Few of Our Nominees
Each of nominee has been selected based on their entrepreneurial success, sustainable success, participation in the community, reputation among peers and contribution to society. These business owners have shown astute business acumen their business finances, legal matters, marketing and operations, investment into human resources with growth plans and future plans in place.
Nikki clarke
Creative director
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moy fung
marketing guru
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Mortgage broker
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anna hoffman
business analyst
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Contact Information
Find us here: 15 Iceboat Terrace, Suite 738, Toronto ON
M1R 4H8, Canada
Phone: 954-773-1751